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Expert-Led Beauty Procedures

Led by one of the most accomplished facial plastic surgeons in the USA, Dr. Tessa Hadlock, you have access to easy-to-undergo, safe, and straightforward procedures that yield subtle yet beautiful results—without the need for anesthesia or sedation.

Safe and subtle transformations

Dr. Hadlock is committed to providing procedures that deliver natural and subtle results. Whether it's a mini facelift, upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid support surgery, brow lift, or lip lift, the surgeries are designed to enhance your natural beauty while ensuring your comfort and safety. One of the benefits of the in-office procedures is they are so refined that there is no need for anesthesia or sedation. For facial rejuvenation with minimal discomfort, reduced recovery time, and the assurance of a safer experience, Dr. Tessa Hadlock's expertise as a facial nerve specialist adds an extra layer of safety to our practice.

Her deep understanding of facial anatomy and function ensures that your facial expressions and movements are preserved while achieving your cosmetic goals. Our approach goes beyond aesthetics; we prioritize maintaining facial function and symmetry. Dr. Hadlock's extensive experience in facial nerve surgery means you can trust that your procedure will not compromise your ability to express yourself naturally.

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Types of treatments  

Mini facelift

A mini facelift is a less invasive alternative to a traditional facelift. This procedure focuses on improving sagging skin and jowls in the lower face and neck. Dr. Hadlock will make discreet incisions near the ears or hairline, through which she will tighten the underlying tissues and remove excess skin. The result is a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance with less downtime than a full facelift.

Upper eyelid surgery

Upper eyelid surgery, or upper blepharoplasty, is a procedure that targets excess skin and fat on the upper eyelids, which can cause drooping and puffiness. Dr. Hadlock will skillfully remove the surplus tissue, leaving you with refreshed, rejuvenated eyes and a more youthful appearance.

Lower eyelid support surgery

For patients experiencing lower eyelid issues such as sagging, bags, or tear trough deformities, lower eyelid support surgery can be a transformative solution. Dr. Hadlock will work to correct these concerns, helping you regain a more rested and youthful look.

Brow lift

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a procedure designed to elevate and rejuvenate the eyebrows and forehead area. This surgery helps reduce forehead wrinkles, frown lines, and drooping eyebrows, resulting in a more alert and youthful appearance.

Lip lift

A lip lift is a procedure that enhances the appearance of the lips by shortening the distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. This creates a fuller and more youthful appearance of the upper lip, improving facial harmony and symmetry.

Minimally invasive facial plastic surgeries

At the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer a range of in-office procedures to help you achieve your desired facial rejuvenation and enhancement goals. These minimally invasive treatments are designed to deliver ultra-natural-looking results with shorter recovery times than traditional surgical approaches. Our skilled team, led by Dr. Tessa Hadlock, will work closely with you to determine the most suitable procedure to address your unique concerns and goals.

These in-office procedures offer effective and efficient solutions to address various facial concerns. Dr. Tessa Hadlock and her experienced team are dedicated to delivering exceptional results while minimizing downtime and discomfort. Contact us to schedule a consultation and explore which in-office procedure is right for you.

When you choose the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, you're choosing a practice that prioritizes your well-being, safety, and natural beauty. Dr. Tessa Hadlock's expertise and commitment to preserving facial function ensure that you receive the highest level of care, resulting in beautiful, harmonious, and subtle transformations that enhance your unique features.

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Why choose us for fast, effective, beautiful results for facial rejuvenation?

At the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, we specialize in safe and subtle facial interventions that deliver natural, beautiful results without anesthesia or sedation. Led by renowned facial nerve expert Dr. Tessa Hadlock, our practice prioritizes your comfort, safety, and facial function. With a commitment to preserving your unique facial expressions and movements, Dr. Hadlock's expertise ensures that you can achieve your desired cosmetic goals while maintaining your authentic self.

Whether you're considering a mini facelift, eyelid surgery, brow lift, or lip lift, our comprehensive range of in-office procedures offers tailored solutions to enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence. When you choose the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, you're choosing a practice known for its safety, experience, and commitment to achieving subtle yet transformative results that highlight your features in the most natural way.

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Our job isn’t over until the patient is smiling

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