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Restore a Refreshed, Natural, Youthful Look 

This treatment can also correct loose skin and excess fat in the neck area. While facelifts are often performed for cosmetic reasons, at the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer a unique approach for a mini facelift in Boston that does not involve anesthesia or sedation.

The Procedure: Mini Facelift for a Beautiful, Natural Lift

The facelift procedure is typically conducted in the clinic with only local anesthetic injections or the option of general anesthesia in some cases. An incision is carefully made in the temporal hairline, extending along the crease in front of the ear and often behind the ear and along the hairline, depending on the extent of correction required. 

This incision is strategically placed to ensure the surgical scars are well-camouflaged once healed. The surgery involves lifting the skin over the cheek and neck, tightening the underlying fascia (SMAS layer) to re-suspend facial soft tissues, and finally re-draping the skin while trimming away excess. The result is a refreshed, youthful appearance that maintains a natural look.

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Mini Facelift Before & Afters

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Your Initial Mini Facelift Consultation 

Your initial consultation is the time for you to ask questions, voice your concerns about your appearance, and discover more about Dr. Hadlock’s unique approach to facial surgery. In addition to performing a physical evaluation to assess your skin’s thickness, laxity, and overall quality, the doctor will also review your medical history to ensure the procedure will be safe and successful for you. You will receive information on the risks and benefits of the surgery, the recovery period, pricing, and what you can expect from your results. Every mini facelift is carefully tailored to the patient’s unique contours and goals for improvement.

Am I a Candidate for a Mini Facelift?

Patients typically opt for a mini facelift in their late 30s and 40s as sagging skin and wrinkles first begin to appear. They may have tried topical products and non-surgical skin tightening treatments in the past and found that they are now ready for more lasting and dramatic results. A mini facelift at this early stage of the aging process can help keep the patient looking youthful and revitalized as they enter their 50s and 60s. 

A good candidate for surgery has:

  • Mild skin drooping in the cheeks and jowls
  • A desire for a quicker recovery and inconspicuous scarring
  • A clean bill of health
  • A commitment to not smoking before or after surgery
  • Realistic expectations for what a mini facelift can accomplish
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What Are the Benefits of a Mini Facelift?

A mini facelift can help you to reclaim your natural beauty and confidence. Benefits include:

  • A more youthful-looking countenance
  • A refreshed appearance in the lower face
  • Firmer, tighter contours
  • The removal of loose skin and wrinkles
  • Enhanced definition in the jawline
  • Well-hidden scars
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Mini Facelift Recovery Time

Patients typically return home on the same day as the procedure, even when performed under general anesthesia. Some may have a small drain in the face, which is removed during a follow-up clinic visit the next morning. A specialized dressing and ACE bandage are applied to the head to aid in the healing process. Stitches are typically removed within one to two weeks post-surgery. The recovery period varies depending on the extent of the facelift, with postoperative bruising and swelling typically subsiding within a few days to two weeks after the surgery.

woman looking at her face in mirror

Post-Surgery Symptoms: What's Normal?

After your surgery, it's normal to experience:

  • A small amount of blood from the incisions
  • Mild pain or discomfort
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Discomfort with chewing
  • Tightness in the cheeks and neck

What to Expect, Day by Day

After your mini facelift in Boston, your headwrap should be worn 24 hours for the first three days. You may remove it to shower or for a short break. For post-surgery days three to seven, it is only mandatory to wear the wrap at night, but wearing it during the day will hasten the decrease in swelling.

  • Apply ice packs as much as possible for the first three days. After the third day, ice should be applied for 20 to 40 minutes twice a day for three more days.
  • You may shower the day after your procedure and gently shampoo your hair. Apply antibiotic ointment to incisions and replace your head wrap when your hair is dry. 
  • Do not exercise until your post-op visit, usually around 12 days, although walking is permitted.
  • You may resume taking aspirin or drinking alcohol after four days if you have had no bleeding or other problems.

Why Choose Us for a Mini Facelift?

At the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer a unique blend of expertise and personalized care. Dr. Tessa Hadlock, renowned as a pioneer in facial nerve surgery, brings her extensive experience and commitment to excellence to every procedure. As a full-chaired professor at Harvard Medical School and the first female ENT surgeon at Mass Eye and Ear to achieve the rank of Full Professor, she has made significant contributions to the field of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Hadlock's dedication extends beyond academics; she has been named Boston's "Top Doctor" year after year and recognized as one of the country's "Exceptional Women in Medicine." Her leadership in the Division of Facial Plastic Surgery at Mass Eye and Ear for over a decade speaks to her exceptional training of hundreds of residents and fellows. At our center, you can expect safe, straightforward interventions that provide beautiful and subtle results, all under the expert care of Dr. Hadlock, a true luminary in the field.

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Will my results be permanent?

What's the difference between a mini facelift and a neck lift?

Will I have scars?

What are the risks associated with a mini facelift?

Will my results be permanent?

While a mini facelift is not as comprehensive as a full facelift, it still delivers significant anti-aging results. The longevity of these changes is typically 3-5 years. You can extend the results of your procedure by carefully following Dr. Hadlock’s instructions after surgery, following a healthy lifestyle, and avoiding harmful UV rays as much as possible.

What's the difference between a mini facelift and a neck lift?

A mini facelift focuses on the lower portion of the face – the cheeks, jowls, and jawline. A neck lift addresses sagging skin and vertical bands in the neck as well as the submental area, where stubborn fat tends to accumulate. Many patients choose to undergo a mini facelift and a neck lift at the same time in order to achieve more comprehensive changes while also reducing costs and downtime.

Will I have scars?

One of the reasons patients choose a mini facelift is because there is less scarring. The incisions required tend to be smaller than they are with a conventional facelift. Incisions are neatly placed in the folds behind the ear or in the hairline, where they are hidden from view. As a result, patients can wear any hairstyle they choose, even right after surgery.

What are the risks associated with a mini facelift?

While all surgeries come with potential risks, Dr. Hadlock’s skilled, conservative approach helps to minimize these risks. Potential complications can include infection, bleeding, poor anesthesia reactions, poor wound healing, temporary numbness, nerve injuries, asymmetry, and changes in skin sensation. You will be fully informed of all risks during your private consultation.

Unlocking Mini Facelift Potential: Dr. Hadlock Identifies Ideal Candidates!

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