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Enhance Your Brow with Precision

At the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer a minimally invasive brow lift in Boston designed to correct brow sagging, improve facial symmetry, and enhance vision. Whether you’re seeking to address eyebrow sagging on one side or both, our expert team in Boston, MA, can help you achieve a refreshed look – without a long recovery time or anesthesia.

woman smiling in blue and white shirt

What is a brow lift?

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift or brow elevation surgery, is a specialized procedure to rejuvenate the upper face. It is commonly sought by individuals with a sagging, heavy, or overhanging brow. This condition can develop with time as the skin and tissues lose youthful resilience. A brow lift is designed to lift the brow tissues to restore a youthful, harmonious position.

Am I a candidate for a brow lift?

For patients who are troubled by sagging brows that have compromised their once-youthful facial expression, a brow lift may be an excellent solution. The surgery can restore a bright, relaxed countenance, boosting self-confidence. Ideal candidates are non-smoking individuals in good health who are free from any uncontrolled medical issues, such as hypertension, bleeding disorders, or diabetes. 

Patients seeking brow lift surgery should have realistic expectations for their results, understanding that a brow lift will bring improvement rather than perfection. Dr. Hadlock will conduct a thorough consultation and physical assessment to ensure brow lift surgery is right for you and that it will accomplish your unique cosmetic goals.

What can a brow lift do for my facial appearance?

This customized procedure can subtly change your look, leaving you appearing well-rested, youthful, and more approachable. It is often combined with a mini-facelift to address both the lower and upper facial areas. The benefits include:

  • Elevate sagging eyebrows
  • Improve facial symmetry
  • Relieve a heavy or overhanging brow
  • Create a more youthful, engaging look 

How is the brow lift procedure performed?

At the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery in Boston, MA, we perform brow lift procedures in our office under local anesthesia, ensuring total comfort throughout the process. The first step involves meticulous markings to identify the ideal position of the eyebrow(s). Local anesthesia is administered to the forehead region on the affected side(s). Small incisions are carefully made within the hair-bearing skin so that surgical scars are not visible once healed. 

The skin and soft tissues of the forehead are then gently dissected, allowing for the elevation and suspension of the eyebrow to the bone using resorbable plates strategically placed high in the forehead. The incisions are closed with sutures, which will be removed approximately 10 to 14 days after the procedure.

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What to expect after your brow lift surgery?

After your brow lift in Boston, you will leave our practice with a protective dressing around your forehead to minimize potential bruising and swelling. Thanks to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, swelling and bruising typically subside within a week after surgery. In some cases, our initial evaluation of patients may determine that the most effective way to elevate the eyebrow is by using long-lasting sutures below the skin.

When this approach is chosen, a small incision is made within the hair-bearing skin high on the forehead, and minor nicks are made within the eyebrow. The sutures are then threaded beneath the skin from the eyebrows to the upper forehead, where they are securely anchored to the bone. The incision is closed with sutures, which are removed after 10 to 14 days, and a steri-strip is applied over the eyebrow.

What is the recovery time?

Recovery from a brow lift is typically swift, thanks to Dr. Hadlock’s minimally invasive approach. While some mild swelling and bruising may occur, these effects typically resolve within a week. Sutures are removed 10-14 days after the procedure, allowing you to return to your daily activities with enhanced confidence and comfort.

Why choose the Hadlock Center for brow lift surgery?

The Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, located in Boston, MA, led by Dr. Tessa Hadlock, a highly regarded expert in facial nerve surgery and reconstruction, offers an exceptional level of expertise in brow lift procedures. Dr. Hadlock’s commitment to patient safety, extensive experience, and dedication to achieving natural and refined results sets the Hadlock Center apart.

Our in-office brow lift procedure, performed under local anesthesia, provides a convenient, efficient, and comfortable solution for those seeking to elevate their brows and enhance their appearance. If you’re considering a brow lift to rejuvenate your upper facial appearance, trust Dr. Tessa Hadlock and the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery for superior care and results. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how a brow lift can elevate your confidence.

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How long do brow lift results last?

Can a brow lift be combined with other procedures?

Will I have scars?

What’s the difference between a brow lift and upper blepharoplasty?

How long do brow lift results last?

A brow lift comes with long-lasting changes when compared to undergoing treatment with dermal fillers or neuromodulators. However, the body will continue to age, with gravity pulling the brows down over time. On average, brow lift results can last 5-12 years. You can extend your results by taking proper care of your skin, avoiding harmful UV rays, following a healthy diet and exercise plan, and staying hydrated.

Can a brow lift be combined with other procedures?

Yes, absolutely! Brow lift surgery is often paired with eyelid surgery to create comprehensive improvement in the upper face. It can also be combined with a facelift or neck lift. Dr. Hadlock can formulate a personalized treatment plan that addresses all your aesthetic concerns, so be sure to ask about combining procedures during your private consultation.

Will I have scars?

Any time an incision is made, there is a resulting scar. However, incisions made during a brow lift are well-hidden within the hairline and will fade over time. Follow Dr. Hadlock’s instructions carefully after surgery to avoid any complications with your incisions. This means minimizing physical activity until you get the green light, as certain movements can increase blood flow to the head and potentially stretch the incisions.

What’s the difference between a brow lift and upper blepharoplasty?

A brow lift targets the skin and tissue in the forehead as well as the eyebrows themselves while an upper eyelid lift focuses on excess skin, fat, and tissue in the upper eyelids. The procedures can both revitalize the upper face and for this reason, they are often performed in tandem. Incisions for a brow lift are typically made within the hairline, while the incisions for an upper blepharoplasty are created within the fine folds of the upper eyelids.

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