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Restoring function and appearance after facial trauma

Fortunately, advancements in medical science and the expertise of Dr. Tessa Hadlock have paved the way for effective treatments and facial reanimation procedures to help individuals regain facial function and confidence.

woman getting face examined

Types of facial trauma

Facial trauma encompasses a broad spectrum of injuries, each presenting its unique challenges. Some common types include:

  • Fractures: These may involve the facial bones, including the jaw, cheekbones, nose, and eye sockets. Fractures can indirectly affect the facial nerve by disrupting its surrounding structures.
  • Nerve injury: Direct trauma to the facial nerve or surrounding tissues can lead to nerve damage, resulting in facial weakness or paralysis.
  • Soft tissue injuries: Lacerations, cuts, or damage to facial muscles, skin, and blood vessels can cause disfigurement and affect facial function.
  • Burns: Thermal or chemical burns can cause extensive damage to facial tissues, including the nerve network.

Treatments for paralysis or weakness after facial trauma

Effective treatment for facial paralysis or weakness after trauma requires advanced medical skills, including facial reanimation and plastic surgery. The treatments may include:

  • Facial nerve repair: When the facial nerve is severed or damaged, surgical repair may be necessary to reconnect the nerve and restore function. Dr. Tessa Hadlock's extensive experience in nerve surgery ensures optimal outcomes.
  • Nerve grafting: In cases where the damaged nerve cannot be directly repaired, nerve grafting involves using a healthy nerve from another part of the body to bridge the gap and restore nerve function.
  • Static support: Patients may benefit from static support to improve facial appearance and function. This can involve the use of facial prostheses, splints, or implants to help restore symmetry and normal facial expression.
  • Dynamic reanimation: For patients with ongoing facial weakness, dynamic reanimation procedures like muscle or nerve transfers can help restore more natural facial movements.
  • Physical therapy: Facial nerve physical therapy plays a crucial role in rehabilitation after trauma. It helps patients regain muscle strength, coordination, and control over their facial expressions.

Why choose us?

To address the consequences of facial weakness or paralysis after suffering a facial trauma, choosing the right specialist is paramount. Dr. Tessa Hadlock, a leading expert in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, offers unparalleled qualifications and experience:

  • Renowned expertise: Dr. Hadlock's groundbreaking research has advanced the field of facial nerve function regeneration. She is among the select few facial plastic and reconstructive surgeons with National Institutes of Health funding.
  • Clinical excellence: Dr. Hadlock's extensive body of work includes numerous clinical outcomes studies, influential tools for assessing reanimation procedures, and contributions to international literature.
  • Patient-centered care: Dr. Hadlock and her team understand the unique needs and concerns of each patient. They provide compassionate, individualized care to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.

In cases of facial trauma, choosing Dr. Tessa Hadlock and the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery means entrusting your care to a world-class specialist with a proven track record of restoring both function and aesthetics. With her expertise and dedication, you can regain your confidence and quality of life following facial trauma.

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FAQ: Facial trauma

What is considered facial trauma?

What should I do immediately after experiencing facial trauma?

How can Dr. Tessa Hadlock and her team help with facial trauma?

What types of facial trauma can be treated at the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery?

Will I require surgery for facial trauma?

What is the recovery process like after facial trauma treatment?

How can I schedule a consultation with Dr. Tessa Hadlock for facial trauma treatment?

What is considered facial trauma?

Facial trauma refers to injuries sustained to the face, including the bones, skin, muscles, and nerves. These injuries can result from various causes, such as accidents, falls, sports injuries, or assaults, and may range from minor cuts and bruises to severe fractures and nerve damage.

What should I do immediately after experiencing facial trauma?

After experiencing facial trauma, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly. If you have any visible wounds or bleeding, apply gentle pressure with a clean cloth to control bleeding. Avoid touching or manipulating any fractured bones or facial structures, as this could worsen the injury.

How can Dr. Tessa Hadlock and her team help with facial trauma?

Dr. Hadlock and her team are experts in treating facial trauma. They offer a range of surgical and non-surgical interventions to repair facial injuries, address fractures, and restore facial function and aesthetics. Their specialized skills ensure optimal outcomes for patients with facial trauma.

What types of facial trauma can be treated at the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery?

The Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery provides comprehensive care for various types of facial trauma, including fractures of the nose, jaw, cheekbones, orbital bones, lacerations, soft tissue injuries, nerve damage, and more. Dr. Hadlock's expertise ensures that patients receive the best possible care and next-generation surgical techniques.

Will I require surgery for facial trauma?

The need for surgery depends on the severity and type of facial trauma you've experienced. Dr. Hadlock will evaluate your condition and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan, which may include surgical intervention or non-surgical approaches. Your personalized care aims to restore both function and aesthetics.

What is the recovery process like after facial trauma treatment?

Recovery after facial trauma treatment varies based on the extent of your injuries and the specific interventions required. Dr. Hadlock and her team will provide detailed post-operative instructions and support throughout your recovery journey to help you achieve the best possible results.

How can I schedule a consultation with Dr. Tessa Hadlock for facial trauma treatment?

Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Hadlock is easy. Contact the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery to arrange an appointment and receive expert evaluation and treatment for your facial trauma. Whether you've experienced an accident, sports injury, or other facial trauma, Dr. Hadlock's expertise can help you on the path to recovery.

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