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What is a lip lift?

A lip lift is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the appearance of your lips, nasolabial fold (smile lines), philtrum (upper lip indentation), and the base of your nose. Dr. Hadlock offers two types of lip lifts at her clinic in Boston, MA, each tailored to enhance your natural beauty: A static suspension procedure using fascia lata and the in-office suture suspension.

How is a lip lift performed?

The static suspension procedure is conducted under general anesthesia and involves harvesting a piece of tensor fascia lata (TFL) from the thigh. This TFL tissue is skillfully used to enhance and lift various facial features, including the corner of your mouth, upper lip, laugh lines, and the base of your nostril. Incisions are made with care to minimize visible scarring. Absorbable stitches are used, and drains are placed, which are removed before leaving the practice.

For the in-office suture suspension, local anesthesia will be administered to ensure your comfort. This procedure takes about 60 to 90 minutes and involves making a small incision in your temporal hairline. Tiny nicks are made in the nasolabial fold, and permanent sutures are threaded from the fold to the temporal region, lifting the midface. Sutures are absorbable, dissolving entirely within three weeks.

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What can a lip lift do for my look?

A lip lift at the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery in Boston, MA, can be an excellent choice if you’re seeking a subtle yet transformative improvement in your facial appearance. Whether you wish to enhance the definition of your lips, reduce the distance between your nose and upper lip (philtrum), or address age-related concerns, this specialized procedure can rejuvenate your overall facial aesthetic. It’s ideal for those who desire fuller and more youthful lips, a balanced facial profile, and a harmonious relationship between the upper lip and nose. If you’re looking for a minimally invasive way to enhance your facial features and achieve a naturally refreshed look, a lip lift may be the perfect option for you.

Am I a good candidate for a lip lift?

Dr. Hadlock will assess your candidacy during your private consultation to ensure a lip lift is right for you. In general, patients should be healthy non-smokers with realistic expectations for their results. A lip lift may be appropriate for patients with the following concerns:

  • The upper lip hangs over the bottom lip
  • The teeth are not visible without fully smiling
  • The distance from the upper lip to the nose is too large
  • The corners of the mouth droop downward
  • There is less pink lip tissue showing in the upper lip than the bottom lip
  • The Cupid’s bow lacks definition

What can I expect at my lip lift consultation?

Your consultation is a time to ask Dr. Hadlock questions, express your goals for the treatment, and voice any concerns or fears you may have. Dr. Hadlock can show you before and after photos of previous lip lift patients and you are also free to bring in your own photos. The doctor will conduct a thorough physical evaluation and review of your medical history in order to ensure a lip lift will be safe and appropriate. At the end of the consultation, you can expect to have clear knowledge of your treatment plan and a full understanding of the risks, recovery, and costs associated with the procedure.

woman looking at her face in mirror

What are the benefits of a custom lip lift?

  • Enhanced facial aesthetics and symmetry
  • A more youthful appearance
  • Natural-looking results
  • Minimal downtime
  • Improved self-confidence

What is the recovery time?

After your lip lift in Boston, you can typically return home the same day. Some mild discomfort and swelling may occur but will subside within a few weeks. Absorbable sutures dissolve, and you can resume your regular activities, free to enjoy the beautiful results of your lip lift.

Why choose us?

Dr. Tessa Hadlock is renowned for her expertise in facial aesthetics and her dedication to providing patients with outstanding outcomes. At the Hadlock Center for Facial Plastic Surgery, located in Boston, MA, we offer safe and effective lip lift procedures that rejuvenate your appearance and boost your self-confidence. Choose us for subtle, beautiful results that enhance your natural beauty. Dr. Tessa Hadlock is a highly respected expert in facial aesthetics with an exceptional breadth of experience. As a Harvard-trained, full-chaired professor at Harvard Medical School and the first female ENT surgeon at Mass Eye and Ear to reach the rank of full professor, she has achieved many recognitions in the field.

Dr. Hadlock is not only a prolific researcher, publishing numerous scientific articles and pioneering facial nerve function and recovery scales, but is also an esteemed educator who has trained hundreds of residents and dozens of fellows. With an unwavering commitment to her patients, she has earned accolades such as the “Boston Top Doctor” for the past 15 years and “Castle Connelly Top Doctor” and is widely recognized as a leader in facial plastic surgery.

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Will my results be permanent?

Can a lip lift be combined with other treatments?

Are there any risks associated with lip lifts?

Are lip lifts painful?

Will my results be permanent?

While lip lift results are long-lasting, the natural aging process will continue, causing the lips to eventually lose some of their natural definition and fullness. You can extend your results by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and protecting the lips from harmful UV rays.

Can a lip lift be combined with other treatments?

Yes, a lip lift can be combined with a facelift, rhinoplasty, brow lift, or blepharoplasty procedure for enhanced results. Combining cosmetic treatments often reduces costs and downtime while improving facial balance and harmony.

Are there any risks associated with lip lifts?

There are some risks with most cosmetic procedures but they are greatly reduced by choosing a board-certified aesthetic professional with experience, skill, and an eye for detail. Dr. Hadlock is a double-board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon whose artistry and precision help to reduce certain risks and ensure a pleasing result. Risks with a lip lift may include swelling, infection, scarring, and fluid accumulation.

Are lip lifts painful?

The worst aspect of a lip lift is receiving the initial topical anesthetic injection. Once the skin has been numbed, you should feel comfortable and relaxed throughout your session. The procedure takes around one hour to perform.

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